Deep in the heart of Gore Canyon the mighty Upper Colorado River rears its head. Every year kayakers and rafters alike gather to find their own place among the rushing whitewater. The Gore Canyon Race is a harrowing 3.5 mile sprint through raging whitewater separated by seemingly endless flat water lakes that leaves even the most conditioned paddler gasping for breath. This year our very own Connor Gagliano crushed the Junior’s competition with first place wins in both short and longboat. Congratulations Connor! My own lack of preparation rewarded me with a ninth place finish in the short boat competition. Hopefully next year I can convince myself to do some flatwater training and get more than one lap in the canyon before the race.
OBJ Race 2022
The Poudre Boys race Oh Be Joyful Creek during the Annual OBJ Steep Creek Race. Every June since 1995, some of the state's best kayakers all congregate high up in the pristine Slate River Valley to compete in the steepest kayak race that has ever existed. The Oh Be...